Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Eddie Stobart Limited provides leading supply chain and logistics services to many of the UKs best known brands and employs over 6,000 staff, in addition it uses agency staff via temporary labour agencies.
In July 2021 Eddie Stobart Limited, part of the Greenwhitestar Group was acquired by Culina Group, the market leading provider of shared FMCG logistics.
This statement constitutes Eddie Stobart Limiteds statement on modern slavery and human trafficking under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps Eddie Stobart Limited have taken and will continue to take to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
We believe that in conjunction with the clear policies implemented by ourselves, our customers, and our suppliers we can help prevent human trafficking and slavery in our supply chain.
The review of our Supply Chain Charter in 2021 further reinforces our commitment to prevent modern slavery.
We do not consider we operate in high-risk sectors or locations, Eddie Stobart Limited complies with all legislative and professional standards.
To ensure a good level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery amongst our workforce and to encourage staff to identify and report any concerns they may have we continue to educate staff by using e-modules dedicated to modern slavery and whistleblowing. This is supplemented by our vision, values and organisational policies which give staff the assurance that all employees can raise concerns without fear of reprisals.
During 2021 our organisational policies have been reviewed and update to ensure compliance, this was supplemented by Modern Slavery awareness campaign on our intranet.
During the Supplier approval process, each company is required to sign a declaration that they will comply or exceed the standards set down in our Supply Chain Charter.
We continue to focus our attention on third party agencies that supply our temporary workers as we deem this to be our highest risk area. We audit a sample of these agencies to ensure compliance to prevent the risk of modern slavery as well as ensuring they comply with other legislative requirements such as health and safety and the right to work in the UK.
Eddie Stobart Limited carries out checks on its own staff to confirm the identity of each worker and their right to work in the UK.
We continue to review our contractual terms for both customers and suppliers to contribute to the prevention of modern slavery. Steps going forward: We will continue to review the effectiveness of our approach to reducing the risk of modern slavery and will continue to identify, monitor and assess any risk areas identified in our supply chain and we shall address these risks as appropriate.
During 2022 we intend to have a sample number of suppliers complete a due diligence questionnaire so we may further identify any risks of modern slavery in our supply chain.
This statement has been approved by the Board of Eddie Stobart Limited.
David Pickering
Chief Executive Officer